Hi lovelies! Bloomingallure.com did not exist until 2019, we have been playing the role as a manufacturer as well as a supplier ever since. Our factories have been making items for many famous brands. However, according to the service agreements, we are unable to disclose their names. Our designers and workers have made items and clothes for millions of women in past ten years. Watching our clients sharing photos online with their big smiles makes us realize that what we are producing is not just items, but also happiness and joy.

Now we are operating our own business - Bloomingallure.com. We sell products directly made by our own factories with high quality but lower price. We believe this a mutual benefits for both our clients and us manufacturers.

Bloomingallure.com was created by a small team of young people who were inspired to make a difference in the fashion industry.

An Unbiased Platform for Independent Designers
Instead of inviting big fashion brands to sell their new designs on our website, Bloomingallure.com is devoted to creating an unbiased platform for small brands and yet-to-be-famous designers who are seeking bigger audiences for their designs.

Directly Linking Designers to Customers
We exert to make a difference to the traditional business mode of fashion industry by skipping unnecessary procedure of middlemen between customers and designers. By doing so, we are able to deliver the latest designs to our valued customers in the fastest speed and to a widest reach.

A Social Responsible Market Player Bloomingallure.com provides support to fashion designers and brands that are highly engaged in using recyclable materials throughout their creation. Due to the founder’s experience of fashion industry in early years, Bloomingallure.com team pays extra attention to the welfare of employees. 

Furthermore, Bloomingallure.com would only cooperate with brands that offer fair treatment and salary to their employees. Bloomingallure.com donates part of its revenue to charities to help tackle issues of extreme poverty around the world.

Company location and Logistics Center: Bloomingallure.com is a registered business entity based in HongKong and it has their own logistics center located in Singapore. While most of the Internet-based retailers usually put their logistics center in North America, we prefer Singapore because of its world-class delivery capability and capacity. Moreover, since most of our factories are located in Asia, the choice of Singapore helps to cut down the cost on delivery for our customers.

If you have any questions, please contact at bloomingallure@gmail.com